SORA & further LoRaWAN Devices
The ultimate solution for wireless sensing in BMS applications. Choose Sontay for all of your LoRaWAN wireless devices needs.
SORA - Sontay Open Range Application
For projects that require a fast turnaround, with minimal interruption and downtime along with minimum cost, SORA is the ideal solution.

Trusted Expertise
For 50 Years, we have been your reliable partner for all BMS field devices. As our industry evolves into the wireless domain, we have the products and support you need.

Empowering Your Wireless Future with Trusted Expertise.

Bringing life to your buildings!

Empower your building’s future with SORA and LoRaWAN –
sustainable, efficient, and ready for tomorrow.
Focusing on energy efficiency and environmental sustainability
Design & Planning
Integration of SORA and LoRaWAN:
SORA and LoRaWAN enable long-range, reliable, and secure wireless solutions from the design phase onward.
Construction & Installation
Wireless Flexibility:
The wireless nature of LoRaWAN devices ensures rapid, cost-effective installation with minimal disruption.
Occupancy & Monitoring
Energy Efficiency & Comfort:
Continuous monitoring through LoRaWAN sensors enhances energy efficiency and occupant comfort.
Maintenance & Optimisation
Proactive Management:
Data-driven insights from our devices support proactive maintenance and energy optimization, reducing downtime.
Sustainability & Retrofitting
Adapting to Change:
Sensing devices can be easily retrofitted, allowing buildings to evolve and meet new sustainability standards.
End-of-Life & Renewal
Sustainable Transition:
Sontay's LoRaWAN range supports sustainable practices through easy device removal or repurposing at the building's lifecycle end.
LoRaWAN - Long Range Wide Area Network
Wireless communication technology designed
for the Internet of Things (IoT)

It allows small devices, like sensors, to send data over long distances using very little power.
This makes it ideal for connecting things like smart meters, environmental sensors,
and even tracking devices across large areas.

What is LoRaWAN?
- LoRaWAN is a wireless sensor network technology associated with IoT applications
- It stands for Long Range Wide Area Network
- It uses license-free frequencies to transmit information
- Uses CHIRP Spread Spectrum technology for reliable, low-powered, long distance communications
- Communication range in excess of 10km outdoors
- Excellent resilience against attenuation in indoor environments

How does it work?
- LoRaWAN uses a license-free frequency spectrum for transmitting data
- Networks support frequencies from the sub-gigaHertz range and also 2.4 GHz
- Higher frequencies can allow greater bandwidth
SORA - Sontay Open Range Application
SORA combines the tried, tested and trusted sensing reliability of Sontay sensing devices with the unrivalled wireless power of LoRaWAN technology, SORA is set to change the way building sensors are selected and installed for the future.
End users can see vast improvements in a short period of time on their ambient conditions and energy efficiencies with minimal disruption.
The name SORA is a combination of the
2 key fundamentals of the product:

It is Japanese for sky which perfectly describes the possibilities and capabilities of the range.
How far can SORA go?

Connectivity has been demonstrated to reach an excess of 10KM in plain sight.
SORA Features
Go the distance
SORA has the wireless capability to cover substantial areas and penetrate through materials that would have been a challenge for other wireless systems.
Low Power
The whole ethos behind LoRaWAN is that it runs on low power. This leads to extraordinary battery longevity in the field.
SORA offers excellent security with the state-of-the-art dedicated end-to-end encryption designed into LoRaWAN technology.
Why is SORA different?
- SORA’s sensing pedigree is based on Sontay’s trusted sensing devices with the wireless technology of LoRaWAN. LoRaWAN is different to any other wireless sensing networks out there due to it being an open-protocol technology. This enables total interoperability with other devices. Compared to legacy systems, there are multiple advantages including reliability, security and range.
- The architecture of LoRaWAN make SORA a sensor network rather than a means of simply transmitting data from one point to another. Once the data is available at the application server part of the network it is available to other applications or via another protocol. Effectively this creates a data set which is not limited by manufacturer, building or geographical constraints. Data exists in a manner in which it can be consumed, whether that is for a control algorithm or as part of an analytical data set.
- LoRaWAN also has a range of API’s to expose data to other relevant systems such as REST API, MQTT broker or BACnet/IP objects. SORA has been developed with a gateway that integrates specifically with BACnet or Modbus protocols which are typically used in building controls applications.
SORA Ideal Applications
SORA provides a vast range of benefits on a variety on applications and is ideal for anywhere that requires a simple installation with a short turnaround and minimum cost.

SORA & further LoRaWAN Devices Brochure
To flip through the brochure online, please click below:
What is your next step?
- Outline your project requirements
- Add the SORA products you require to your list on this website
- Submit it as an enquiry or order
For more information, please contact Internal Sales at Sontay.